Library Rock's Backpages

Kinky Friedman: The Interview

Larry Jaffee, On the Tracks, Spring 1994

Legendary country singer/mystery novelist Kinky Friedman says his friendship has endured with Bob Dylan because they don't see each other too often, but when they do usually all hell breaks loose. Friedman is riding a multimedia wave of product: a new book published by Simon & Schuster (Elvis, Jesus and Coca Cola); a new video tape (Kinky and Friends?); a full length movie underway that will co-star Bob Dylan (based on his mystery, A Case of Lone Star), and an independently released compact disc (Old Testaments & New Revelations) chronicling his entire music career that has already sold more than 100,000 copies. The following interview, an On the Tracks exclusive, was conducted in January 1994.

Total word count of piece: 2807


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