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35 articles found. Page 2 of 2.

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Queen: Fifty Years of Great British Music: The '70s

Interview by Robert Sandall, Q, March 2008

It wasn't all operatic rock and theatrical excess. As guitarist Brian May recalls, transsexual strippers played a part, too. ...

Slash: Who the hell does Slash think he is?

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, April 1995

He is not, let's be frank, a New Man. His feminist credentials beg re-examination. He is rarely accused of not taking drugs, never having it ...

Who The Hell Does Sir Jimmy Savile Think He Is?

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, November 1990

There's something unsettling about the tireless benevolence, something irksome about the infantile banter and spangly self-satisfaction, something eerie about this strange old uncle patting the ...

Sting: The South Will Rise Again

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, January 1995

It is the biggest dilemma in the caring career of Pop's Very Own Captain Conscience. Sun City: should I stay or should I go? Sting ...

Mike Oldfield, Orbital: Pleased To Meet You: Mike Oldfield & Orbital

Interview by David Quantick, Q, October 1996

Without "funny" Mike Oldfield ambient music as we know it might never have existed. Without ex-baldies Orbital the Royal Albert Hall might never have hosted ...

Beastie Boys, The: Beastie Boys: Cash for Questions

Interview by Tom Doyle, Q, November 2009


Kennedy, Nigel: Nigel Kennedy

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, September 1990

He's the man who made classical music mass-market. And this he achieved by reinventing himself into a lager-handed, spike-topped pseudo-lout, complete with textbook rock star ...

Kylie Minogue: Who The Hell Does Kylie Minogue Think She Is?

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, October 1992

Where is she now, our little smiley gonk in primary colours? She became a saucy siren with eyes that said Come closer, a backside that ...

Byrds, The, David Crosby, Crosby Stills Nash & Young: Who the hell does David Crosby think he is?

Interview by Tom Hibbert, Q, May 1989

THE AGING MUSICIAN sits in his hotel room, an acoustic guitar propped upon his considerable paunch. He tosses back his long, greying hair, fingers his ...

Prince Talks To Q: 'I Am Normal!'

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, July 1994

Pleased to meet you... Hope you've guessed my name. For the first time since God alone knows when, the artist formerly known as Prince talks ...

Curtis Mayfield: The Original Superfly Guy

Interview by Robert Gordon, Q, July 1993

Curtis Mayfield is a full-scale genius. First with the Impressions, and afterwards with his solo stuff, he defined, then redefined, the sound of black America. ...

Eric Clapton: The Solo Artist

Interview by Robert Sandall, Q, January 1990

Quietly reinvented, curiously coiffeured, steadfastly single, and with an unprecedented 18 sold-out shows at the Albert Hall, Eric Clapton enters the '90s more a battered ...

Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac: The Q Interview: Stevie Nicks: "I had to be strong otherwise I would never have gotten through all this."

Interview by Sylvie Simmons, Q, May 2008

Stevie Nicks is the epitome of California rock excess. While in Fleetwood Mac, she sold millions and snorted half of Colombia. Solo, she sold millions ...

Tori Amos, Björk, PJ Harvey: PJ Harvey, Björk, and Tori Amos: Hips. Lips. Tits. Power.

Interview by Adrian Deevoy, Q, May 1994

Well, would you spill their pint? In the last 18 months, Polly Harvey, Björk, and Tori Amos have rogered the charts with their special brew ...


Interview by Phil Sutcliffe, Q, February 1996

"You wouldn’t believe the number of people who come to our front door," says Noel Gallagher with a grin full of rue and a wary ...


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