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151 articles found. Page 2 of 8.

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Art Garfunkel: Angel Clare (Columbia)

Review by Loraine Alterman, New York Times, 9 September 1973

Garfunkel On His Own ...

Slade: Sladest (Polydor)

Review by Charles Shaar Murray, NME, 29 September 1973

THE FIRST TIME I saw Slade I thought they were dreadful. It was that memorable night at the Lanchester Arts Festival when Chuck Berry cut ...

New York Dolls: New York Dolls (Mercury)

Review by Wayne Robins, Zoo World, 25 October 1973

THERE DOESN'T seem to be any argument about what the Dolls look like, since even for '73 they're a bit scary: glitter mutants escaped from ...

10cc: 10cc

Review by Alan Betrock, Phonograph Record, January 1974

I DON'T CARE if your heart rests with country twang, surf harmonies, acid riffs, folk strums, commercial muzak, or Anglophile accents. There's one thing that ...

Chick Corea, Return to Forever: Chick Corea: Return To Forever (ECM)

Review by Ed Jones, Cracker, February 1974

WITH THE demise of the Mahavishnu Orchestra, other record companies are looking for their own spacey, super-excellent, speedy-riffing jazz-rock group to grab some of the ...

Wet Willie: Keep On Smilin'

Review by Jim Esposito, Creem, September 1974

THE ONLY THING missing from Keep On Smilin' is one of Capricorn's "Support Southern Music" buttons on the jacket of that blind old black beggar ...

Yes: Relayer and Yesterdays

Review by Ken Barnes, Rolling Stone, 19 June 1975

WITH THEIR LAST five albums (including Relayer) reaching Top Five status, Yes are central to the new British Invasion. ...

Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids: Flash Cadillac: Sons of the Beaches

Review by Gene Sculatti, Creem, January 1976

What lame-o group is finally going to win the distinction of recording The Last ‘Fifties’ Song of the Seventies? Just when I thought the sub-genre ...

Kraftwerk: Exceller-8, Radio-Activity

Review by Miles, NME, 31 January 1976

EXCELLER 8 IS a 'best of album taken from the three Vertigo albums that Kraftwerk have released in this country and it's a good selection ...

The Everly Brothers: Songs Our Daddy Taught Us

Review by Mick Farren, NME, 6 March 1976

IN A QUIET sort of way, 1975 saw an Everly Brothers revival of sorts. Warner Brothers released their magnificent Walk Right Back With The Everlys, ...

Gladys Knight & the Pips: Gladys Knight and the Pips (DJM)

Review by Simon Frith, Street Life, 6 March 1976

SHE'S JUST GONNA have to get used to it. When you're the greatest pop singer in the world (and she is) and have been together ...

Todd Rundgren: Faithful (Bearsville)

Review by Jeffrey Morgan, Cheap Thrills, June 1976

EVERYBODY KNOWS that there are but two classic answers to that eternal question of the ages, "Why?" They are, of course "Why not?" and "Because." ...

Elton John: Blue Moves (Rocket) ****

Review by Mick Brown, Sounds, 23 October 1976

EVEN BEFORE I'd heard one note of Blue Moves I had divined that this album was going to be the Big One. ...

David Bowie: Low

Review by Kris Needs, ZigZag, February 1977

WELL, THIS IS probably the strangest thing Bowie has ever recorded. First listen was a real shock...and I've come to expect surprises from this bloke. ...

Spirit: Future Games — A Magical Kahauna Dream (Mercury Import)

Review by Max Bell, NME, 19 March 1977

THE RETURN of Tab, Hunk and Dr. Sardonicus — more outrageously smooth than ever before. A new Spirit album is not only becoming a frequent ...

The Small Faces: Small Faces: Rock Roots: The Singles Album

Review by Ira Robbins, Trouser Press, December 1977

NOW THAT STEVE Marriot has put a version of the Small Faces back together, there's been a bit of resurgence (perhaps as a result of ...

Elvis Costello: My Aim Is True (Columbia)

Review by Jeffrey Morgan, Stage Life, February 1978

LIKE IT OR NOT, you’d better watch out 'cause talent will out, which is exactly why you’re hearing so much about Elvis Costello these days. ...

Generation X: Generation X

Review by Ira Robbins, Trouser Press, June 1978

FROM THE VERY start of their recording career, it was obvious that Generation X had some rather unparochial ideas about their role as a punk ...

Advertising: Jingles

Review by Peter Silverton, Sounds, 24 June 1978

FEELING RUTHLESS, you could divide the entire spectrum of pop and rock'n'roll into two. ...

Ian Dury & the Blockheads: Do It Yourself (Stiff SEEZ14)

Review by Brian Case, Melody Maker, 19 May 1979

Dury: the tra-la days are over ...

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