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705 articles found. Page 5 of 36.

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Carly Simon, David Ackles, The Doors, Judy Collins, Love, Paul Butterfield Blues Band: Elektra: The House That Jac Built

Interview by Loraine Alterman, Melody Maker, 23 September 1972

The story of Elektra, one of rock's most influential labels. As told to Loraine Alterman by founder JAC HOLZMAN ...

Bonnie Raitt: Troubadours: Why Bonnie Raitt Wants a Break

Interview by Judith Sims, Rolling Stone, 9 November 1972

LOS ANGELES — "Freebo, my bass player, he's a jock, he sits in his hotel room watching football games on television." Bonnie Raitt gestured in ...

Stevie Wonder: Man Of Today And Tomorrow

Interview by David Nathan, Blues & Soul, 16 February 1973

ONE OF THE most rewarding and exciting aspects of taking any serious interest in any field of music is observing the artistic development and progress ...

Bette Midler: The Shape (40-22-36) Of Things To Come

Interview by Roy Hollingworth, Melody Maker, 17 February 1973

Roy Hollingworth meets the divine Miss Midler ...

The Rowan Brothers: Rowan Brothers: Somewhat Glam And Slightly Teenage

Interview by Richard Cromelin, Phonograph Record, March 1973

"THE BROTHERLY Loverlies" – kind of catchy, isn't it? That's what one of the teen mags called the Rowan Brothers when it tossed them to ...

Bonnie Raitt Gives It Back

Interview by David Rensin, Crawdaddy!, March 1973

LOS ANGELES – Bonnie Raitt is by nature a purposeful woman. On a personal level, she is attempting to forge a new ethic reaching beyond ...

Anne Murray: Canada's Sweetheart Stays Put

Interview by Judith Sims, Rolling Stone, 7 June 1973

LOS ANGELES — "Canada has never had a star in the real sense of the word. They've had people big in Canada and nowhere else, ...

Commander Cody: The Early Sound Of "Now" Music

Interview by Lillian Roxon, New York Sunday News, 29 July 1973

HIS FIRST BAND was called the Fantastic Surfing Beavers and, according to Commander Cody, it was the worst band that ever existed. I was sorry ...

Elton John, Bernie Taupin, Bluesology: The Rolling Stone Interview: Elton John

Interview by Paul Gambaccini, Rolling Stone, 16 August 1973

ELTON JOHN wanted to do The Rolling Stone Interview when we first suggested it to him in February. A grueling British tour kept him occupied ...

Hot Chocolate: Chocolate Brown

Interview by Charles Shaar Murray, NME, 25 August 1973

THERE IS absolutely no getting away from the fact that it was an excessively hot and sticky afternoon. Sweaterama incarnate. Clothing stuck unpleasantly to the ...

The Carpenters: It's Plane Sailing!

Interview by Chris Charlesworth, Melody Maker, 29 September 1973

HEAD DOWN THE Santa Ana freeway, turn off on San Gabriel, make a couple of rights and you're in Downey, a right-wing, unpretentious suberb of ...

Ellie Greenwich: Leaders of the Pack

Interview by Roy Carr, Andrew Tyler, NME, 3 November 1973

Ten years ago the American pop scene was dominated by two opposing song factories — KIRSHNER'S Krazy Kids and the Behemoths of the BRILL BUILDING. ...

Jan & Dean: Dean Torrence (1973)

Interview by John Tobler, Rock's Backpages Audio, 12 November 1973

From high school in the late '50s to Kittyhawk Graphics in the '70s, Dean Torrence looks back at his partnership with Jan Berry: early hits such as 'Baby Talk'; being managed by Lou Adler, with Herb Alpert; the L.A. indie labels Dore and Challenge; the evolution of surf music, and collaborations with the Beach Boys from 'Surf City' to 'Barbara Ann'; surf boards, cars and fashions; Jan's accident, and going back to school to become a graphic designer; recording Brian Wilson's 'Vegetables', and the Legendary Masked Surfers album with Terry Melcher and Bruce Johnston.

File format: mp3; file size: 81mb, interview length: 1h 24' 22" sound quality: ****

Elton John Steps Into Christmas

Interview by Chris Welch, Melody Maker, 24 November 1973

ELTON JOHN is a happy man as 1973 draws to a close. He has established himself not merely as an elitist's delight and king of ...

Crazy Horse, Grin, Nils Lofgren, Neil Young: Nils Lofgren: Crazy Horse, Neil Young, Grin All That Mob

Interview by Chris Briggs, ZigZag, December 1973

1973 HAS BEEN the year that saw legendary heroes hit the floor. Bryan Ferry lampooned Bob Dylan in a sordid attempt to establish his own ...

Alice Cooper: Alice through the looking glass

Interview by Chris Charlesworth, Melody Maker, 12 January 1974

Shep Gordon worked for firm making clothes for the dead... Now he manages the killer himself, Alice Cooper. Gordon talks to MM New York writer ...

Humble Pie, Peter Frampton: Dee Anthony: Dee Works!

Interview by Chris Welch, Melody Maker, 9 February 1974

From doing impersonations of Al Jolson for 20 bucks a night to managing Humble Pie – that's the story of Dee Anthony. He talks to ...

Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Guess Who, The: Bachman-Turner Overdrive: 'Let It Ride' In Overdrive

Interview by David Rensin, Rolling Stone, 23 May 1974

"WE PLAY all over the States and almost every radio station we run into has 'Let It Ride' being spun next to the Guess Who's ...

Pete Townshend, The Who: Can You Believe It? Chatting with Pete Townshend

Interview by John Tobler, ZigZag, June 1974

I bet you'd given up all hope of seeing the second part of this little epic, eh? How many of you even remember the first ...

Brian Auger: Straight Ahead Again

Interview by Michael Gray, Melody Maker, 27 July 1974

BRIAN AUGER has been stomping round the commercial radio stations as part of his duty in promoting his latest album Straight Ahead by the Brian ...

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