Tippa Irie
3 articles
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Interview by Sean O'Hagan, New Musical Express, 6 September 1986
TIPPA IRIE, wide boy wonder and cultural chameleon, now finds himself torn between reggae's dub-swamped dance-halls and the glitterdome. SEAN O'HAGAN risks an ear in the rapid fire ...
Tippa Irie: Original Raggamuffin (Mango LP Only)
Review by Dele Fadele, New Musical Express, 5 January 1991
FORTUNE HASN'T exactly smiled on Tippa Irie recently. After falling victim to the biggest tragedy the pop charts can offer — reggae toasters having novelty ...
A Wild Feeling: The Vital Legacy Of Saxon Sound
Retrospective by Neil Kulkarni, The Quietus, 26 August 2014
Commissioned by Kevin Martin as part of our Bug Week, Neil Kulkarni writes about the power, potency and legacy of the UK's premier dancehall sound ...
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