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Eazy-E and Ruthless Records: The body rests as the battles begin

Sara Scribner, L.A. Weekly, 20 April 1995

FRIDAY MORNING, April 7, friends, family and more than 2,000 fans filed through Los Angeles' First AME church for an open pre-service viewing of the body of Eric "Eazy-E" Wright. First AME's famous choir turned the following service into a celebration, singing 'Rough Side of the Mountain' and 'Amazing Grace' to the mourners, a few of whom rose from their seats, putting one hand in the air to quietly join in the songs. At the front of the sanctuary was Wright's gold coffin, covered with lilies and a larger-than-life-sized photograph of Wright posed coolly in a leather jacket, braided hair, and dark wraparounds shielding his eyes.

Total word count of piece: 1618


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