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As Years Go By: Marianne Faithfull's Voice of Experience

Ariel Swartley, The Boston Phoenix, 4 October 1983

IF THERE WERE a casting call for the voice of experience, Marianne Faithfull would win the part. Wisdom? She sounds pickled in it. She's rock and roll's Lauren Bacall — a diamond in a rough town, a kid glove in a blue-jeans pocket. And the rasp in her throat could break rocks on a chain gang. In 1964 Faithfull arrived in swinging London in full pout straight from an upper-class English girlhood that imbued her with aristocratic vowels and the arrogance of her convictions. "My first move was to get a Rolling Stone as a boyfriend," she reminisced in a 1974 interview. "I slept with three and decided the lead singer was the best bet."

Total word count of piece: 1143


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