Stan Getz
5 articles
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Stan Getz: Ronnie Scott's, London
Live Review by Max Jones, Melody Maker, 18 September 1971
THERE CAN'T be anything disastrous in the state of jazz while Stan Getz can still be heard in Soho spinning fine-steel threads of melody from ...
Interview by Michael Watts, Melody Maker, 17 February 1973
IT WAS Stan Getz's 46th birthday last Friday and they gave him a cake. It was one of those weeks. On the Wednesday his old ...
OK, smarty, so how do y'shift the whole world off its axis?
Report by Brian Case, New Musical Express, August 1976
Simple. SUN RA knew that one way back. Every musician on the planet just gotta play a C7th — all at the same time. While ...
Interview by Brian Case, New Musical Express, 26 November 1977
...Says Stan the Tenorman, with no time for hard luck stories and strong opinions on everything. He talks to BRIAN CASE ...
Stan Getz: The guy from Ipanema
Retrospective by Brian Case, Melody Maker, 27 July 1985
Brian Case (grass skirt, hula-hoop) examines the resurgence in popularity of latinate saxman Stan Getz ...
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