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5 articles

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By date | By writer | Most recently added

Hotlegs — Hotfoot To The Top

Interview by Andrew Means, Melody Maker, 25 July 1970

FOR SO LONG London has been the undisputed capital of Britain's music industry, that it is almost unthinkable to suggest that its position could be ...

Hotlegs' hit more atmosphere than songs says Lol Creme

Interview by Roy Carr, New Musical Express, 22 August 1970

"I SUPPOSE you could say that 'Neanderthal Man' is really a freak record... Well, it's hardly a song, is it?" ...

Hotlegs are on the rood again... at last!

Interview by David Hughes, Disc and Music Echo, 4 December 1971

IF YOU were among the lucky audiences on the recent Moody Blues tour you can't fail to have been impressed by the surprise live debut ...

10cc: a Hot Property from Old Hotlegs

Interview by James Johnson, New Musical Express, 21 October 1972

BY NOW YOU probably know that 10 c.c. are more or less a reincarnation of Hotlegs, who scored a hit around two years ago with ...

They're Not in Love: 10cc Eats Rubber Bullets

Interview by Paul Gambaccini, Rolling Stone, 23 October 1975

LONDON — AFTER trying to crack the U.S. market for nearly three years, success came suddenly to 10cc this summer. 'I'm Not in Love', with ...

see also 10cc

see also Mindbenders, The


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