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Charlie Feathers

Charlie Feathers

4 articles

List of articles in the library

By date | By writer | Most recently added

Charlie Feathers: The Minit-Stop

Report by Greg Shaw, Phonograph Record, July 1973

SO THERE WE were in Memphis, at the rock writers' convention. First morning there I was awakened by a phone call, "Hey, Charlie Feathers is ...

Charlie Feathers

Retrospective by Martin Hawkins, Country Music People, October 1974

Martin Hawkins looks at the career of a little known but much in demand artiste by record collectors ...

Charlie Feathers: He Forgot To Remember To Forget

Interview by Robert Gordon, Q, November 1991

THE REBEL INN is on Highway 78, once a major thoroughfare linking Mississippi cottonland to the delta's big city of Memphis. The old motel's neon ...

Charlie Feathers: 1932-1998

Obituary by Robert Gordon, Rolling Stone, 15 October 1998

ROCKABILLY PIONEER Charlie Feathers died in Memphis on August 29th of complications following a stroke. He was sixty-six. ...


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