Charlie Feathers
4 articles
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Charlie Feathers: The Minit-Stop
Report by Greg Shaw, Phonograph Record, July 1973
SO THERE WE were in Memphis, at the rock writers' convention. First morning there I was awakened by a phone call, "Hey, Charlie Feathers is ...
Retrospective by Martin Hawkins, Country Music People, October 1974
Martin Hawkins looks at the career of a little known but much in demand artiste by record collectors ...
Charlie Feathers: He Forgot To Remember To Forget
Interview by Robert Gordon, Q, November 1991
THE REBEL INN is on Highway 78, once a major thoroughfare linking Mississippi cottonland to the delta's big city of Memphis. The old motel's neon ...
Obituary by Robert Gordon, Rolling Stone, 15 October 1998
ROCKABILLY PIONEER Charlie Feathers died in Memphis on August 29th of complications following a stroke. He was sixty-six. ...
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