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Tubby Hayes: A Man In A Hurry (dir. Mark Baxter and Lee Cogswell)

Stewart Smith, The Wire, January 2016

EDWARD 'TUBBY' HAYES has been hailed as Britain's greatest tenor saxophonist, a musician who, in the words of poet Michael Horowitz, "could play just about anything, at breakneck speed or absolute slow motion". Dead at 38 from heart problems exacerbated by drug use, Hayes perhaps never realised his full potential, but he was undoubtedly a key figure in modern British jazz, leading the music out of the dance band era and into the age of bebop. Mark Baxter and Lee Cogswell's documentary Tubby Hayes: A Man In A Hurry is the latest project marking the 80th anniversary of the saxophonist's birth, coming hot on the heels of Simon Spillett's biography The Long Shadow of the Little Giant.

Total word count of piece: 542


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