Library Rock's Backpages

Alexander "Skip" Spence

Dave DiMartino, MOJO, June 1999

"I'LL TELL YOU A GOOD ONE, a realy good one," says Jerry Miller, long-time guitarist with Moby Grape, warming to the subject of his former bandmate Skip Spence. "Way back in the old days, we were playing Augusta, Maine and there was a blizzard. So we got two cars, and we're cruising along, and there's ice on the road. And here comes Skippy with a carload of the boys. Skippy's driving just like it's the freeway, normal. He comes whipping by us, and we're sitting there white-knuckled – and he comes by us, 70-80 miles an hour. ZZZOOM! We were laughing our asses off. And he made it to Boston before us. But it was amazing. And I said, I wouldn't want to be in that car."

Total word count of piece: 2008


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